Microfibers aren’t your daily cleaning clothes; they are different down in their bare basic structures. Chances are you might already be aware of how functional these clothes are if you are an automotive enthusiast, because microfibers are widely used in the automotive industry, if not, then this article is just for you as we explain down below how this cloth is made, and what really makes it so distinctive and special.
On the outside, it may appeal to you as a regular cleaning cloth but it is only when you have a closer look that you find out it’s not. And then a touch is enough to know that it is fairly different. Since it is made up microfibers which are far more in density compared to the fibers in regular cleaning cloth, its touch is softer and silkier.
It gets its name from microfiber which is a polyester and nylon fiber used in the making of fabric. When a number of microfibers are woven together into the form of a fabric creating a net-like surface, they make for a cloth good enough to stick and trap dust, moisture, and other such particles. But what’s interesting to note is that nylon or polyamide in the microfiber comes with an embedded positive charge force. This might sound bizarre but during the production and manufacturing process, the makers use a chemical process for splitting microfibers and creating positive charge force. Thus the charge created attracts dirt, dust, and debris which have a negative charge to it, making it more effective during cleaning procedures.
The efficiency of a microfiber cloth lies in its structure. As the name suggests, such cloth basically consists of microfibers which is about one-sixteenth the thickness of a human hair. Hence, the typical ratios of fibers are far more comparing to the more usual cleaning clothes. Hence making it far more functional when it comes to deep cleaning or picking up microscopic dust or dirt. Also, such cloth is capable of absorbing even more than eight times its weight in liquid which is much greater in comparison to the regular cleaning materials. While its nylon structure helps the cloth to absorb and dry off at much faster rates, making it four times more effective compared to traditional clothes.

When it comes to car or bike cleaning, a microfiber cloth is used widely in the auto business because there is no other cleaning cloth that even comes close to its functional capabilities. To start with, a microfiber cloth uses much less water to fully clean the same surface as compared to traditional methods, and also the fact a single piece can survive up to more than 600 car/bike washes proves its economical point of view. But that’s not just it, the automakers have been relying on microfibers not such because it’s economical but it also provides much better results when it comes to detail cleaning.
Traditional clothes tend to leave a permanent scratch or swirl marks whenever the surface is dry cleaned or dusted, on the flip side, a microfiber cloth doesn’t leave behind lint or scarred surfaces, making them ideal cleaning companion for while working on glass, mirrors and of course your beloved bikes.

Check out Grandpitstop.com for our latest microfiber cloth stock and stay tuned for more!