Even a regular daily city bike can be turned into a touring machine by addition of some very basic motorcycle accessories which prove to be very useful on highways. So we have listed down a number of aftermarket accessories which you must install on your motorcycle to make it touring ready.

The first touring motorcycle accessory may start with is an aftermarket windscreen. The stock windscreens may not be very effective in deflecting winds at high-speeds, and companies go with smaller stock screens as bigger ones do not go along well with the design aesthetics of a motorbike. But if your preference is comfort over looks, it’s always best to get an aftermarket windscreen which will definitely help you with better wind protection on highway speeds.

Saddle Bags:
The rule of motorcycle traveling is not to carry anything on the back. Even a light bag pack can make you tired on a long ride. And hence, make sure to add panniers or saddle bags and fit in everything you want for the ride. A wide variety of saddlebags are available in the market today that fit almost all kind of motorcycles. Also, the saddlebags enable for large luggage carrying capacities. At the same time, do not forget to fasten them well on to the motorcycle just in case you do not want any mishappening at fast highway speeds.
Touring Tyres:
Touring motorcycle tyres are built to last longer and survive even the harshest riding conditions. They are different from daily city tyres and have comparatively more treads for extra grip.
Jerry Cans:
Jerry cans are important for carrying extra fuel alongside, in case you run out of gas in the middle of nowhere and the nearest fuel station is still miles away. Jerry cans are not just for carrying fuel, but you can also carry extra water in it which is also very important keeping in mind how physically demanding a long motorcycle ride can be.
Gel seat covers:
Spending a whole day on a motorcycle saddle can, in fact, turn your behind soar no matter how plush the motorcycle seat is. Adding an after-market Air Comfy Seat is beneficial for extended comfort. Some Air Seat available in the market today take shape of the river’s bottom and provides for extra support during long saddle times.

LED lights:
Stock headlights sometimes are not very effective and hence may not provide the best illumination when the day light goes down. The solution is thus to equip the motorcycle with aftermarket LED supporting lights which light up the front view by as much as 50%. Thus potholes and broken tarmac are more visible which adds to the overall safety when the sun goes down.
Pnp Hazard Flasher Module:
This bike accessory is a must for every biker. It is designed to light up all the direction indicators in a specific format which attracts attention out there on the road. It can be said as a more effective version of hazard lights which can be seen in cars and premium motorcycles. The best thing about this PnP Hazard Flasher Module is that it comes in 20 different light patterns which can be selected depending upon one’s own style and preference.
Additional Tip: Carry a Puncture Repair Kit
A good road trip can, in fact, turn into instant regret if your bike gives up right in the middle of nowhere and a flat tyre is definitely the last thing you will wish for until you want to do some exercise pushing a fully-loaded motorcycle to a puncture shop (if you find one). A good puncture repair kit can save your time and energy.