India is one of the countries which is obsessed with fuel efficient vehicles, and auto OEMs pay special attention to the overall fuel economy of a vehicle when it is designed for the Indian market. The reason is simple, high costs of petrol and diesel now days has forced average car/bike user to care more about the fuel economy and rest may be counted as secondary. So in the article today we are going to list down a number of steps you must follow if you wish to squeeze out the maximum fuel efficiency out of your vehicle’s engine.

- Go easy on the throttle –
The reason is obvious the more aggressive you are on the throttle, less fuel mileage you can expect from your vehicle and this is no rocket science. Since throttle assembly is linked to the fuel injectors which spit out fuel based on the throttle response/power requirement hence it is always recommended to ride in a sensible manner. This will not only keep you safe on the road, but will also save you some fuel.

- Follow vehicle’s recommended fuel type –
Generally OEMs test the vehicles based only on their ideal fuel types. A high performance vehicle will always run on high octane number fuel. On the flip side, a regular commuter vehicle has low compression ratio and doesn’t necessarily require high octane fuel. So based on your vehicle’s engine and performance always go for the fuel which is recommended by the company.
- Always keep a check on tyre pressure –
It is always recommended that you keep the tyres inflated to the right tyre pressure or otherwise you may experience slight declination in the overall fuel economy. The reason being, when tyres are run on low pressure, they experience high friction and the engine has to use slightly more power to make the tyres spin, this in long term adversely affects the fuel economy of the vehicle.
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- Watch the weight –
In order to squeeze out the maximum performance out of a vehicle’s engine OEMs now days have started making vehicles lighter by bringing a change in the manufacturing materials used. The lighter a vehicle is, less force it will require to move from one point to another, hence less fuel will be consumed. So this proves that losing weight is not just beneficial for your health but also your wallet.
- Use recommended engine oil –
Using the right motor oil for your vehicle might make all the difference in the world when it comes to the overall performance. Generally automakers always recommend a specific oil type for the vehicles using which brings out the best performance and fuel economy out of the engine. The right grade of oil makes the engine run smoother and hence reduces overall mechanical friction within the engine. On the other hand, using a random low grade oil might make things worse by increasing friction and overheating the engine.

- Learn to ride in the correct gear –
This is one of the most important things when it comes to maintaining a healthy engine life and not degrading the fuel economy. If you tend to over rev the engine too much, the extra heat generated will result in wear and tear of the engine chamber parts way faster than usual, it will also result in drastically dropped fuel economy figures.
Stay tuned for more such informative articles.